Hitting the Ground Running...Quite Literally #Accountability #Oneword2017

As I sit down to write this post, Don't Stop Believin' by Journey came on the Pandora station I was listening to in the background.  I'm not sure that there could have been a more appropriate song to describe this journey because it was made entirely possible by BELIEVING.  This year I committed myself to following some of my personal passions, goals, and bucket list items that I have established which is why I chose my #oneword for 2017 to be "Accountability."  While I have a list of accountability items, this post focuses on one that I wanted to highlight.

Last year I was well on this journey personally with running until I took a significant spill on the sidewalk and sidelined myself for about 5 weeks of healing.  Don't worry, I saved my phone.  I also might have told my summer school students that I was being chased by a Pokemon (this was just about the time that Pokemon Go had come out) and when I turned around to see which one, I ate it. It appears that the city had plans for this section of sidewalk, as three weeks later the city ripped up that section of sidewalk and replaced it.  I could have been defeated and given up running altogether, but the pirate in me used this as an opportunity to springboard and provide me the passion to move forward.

My first goal became to successfully finish a 5k Series.  Prior to falling, I was on my way to training for a 10k in the fall. When I first started running, I had no confidence.  I was afraid of running around others and I was afraid of failing.  That's when I wrote the post:  Failing By Fear Isn't An Option, the story of my first 5k race.

This winter, after a conversation with a colleague at work, I made the leap.  I had seen a lot of posts from friends on Facebook over the years and I felt it was time for me to try to succeed at something that I wasn't genetically programmed to do, something that I would have to work hard to accomplish.  Late at night one night (with no one awake to confer with) I was looking at my options for series races and it just happened.  I committed myself to the Chilly Willy 5k Series which was a series consisting of 6- 5k races around the area during the WINTER in Wisconsin which is unquestionably my least favorite time of the year!  The only reason I go out in the winter is for work, #edcamp, social events, and to go to the gym.  In addition to those races, along the way I decided to add on two additional races outside of the series, and all of the training that came along with at the gym.

Sunday marked the completion of the first phase of this journey.  I discovered through this experience that I was not born to run, but I have passion.  Each race was about doing the best that I could at the time (very much like how we encourage our learners to take on challenges in the classroom).  I didn't PR in this series, but each time I knew I ran my best race and this is only the start.  Upon the completion of one series, I signed up for a 7- race trail run series with options for distance at (5k, 10k, or half marathon).  I know what you're thinking....trails?  Yes, I'm going to have to be a lot more careful than I was on the sidewalks!  In June I'm also signed up for an 8k, with the hopes of tackling my first 10k either through this series or by fall.  My ultimate dream is running the Princess Half Marathon at Disney.  We'll see where the chips fall, if that's something that gets accomplished in 2018 or maybe 2019?  I have learned through this experience that if you have passion and are willing to work hard that you can do anything, even if you were not born with the skill.  Running has never felt more comfortable. Besides the spill I took last July, I have been injury free and running strong.  I appreciate all of the support that all of you have given me in this journey.  I am anxiously waiting the next phase to begin this weekend!


  1. Disney will make your half marathon a BREEZE!! ;) I've heard it's one of the best - just for ambiance! Anyway, I had to comment - "Each race was about doing the best that I could at the time..." YES. That's the ticket right there. EACH and EVERY time. You will not continue to PR, but you will have spikes and valleys, and you just have to take it all in and soak it all up and know that you are NOT on the couch!! Think of all the people you've already done better than! You are a rockstar, Ms. Kornowski. Own it!


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